Wednesday, December 23, 2009

new game plan and awesome books

it's been a learning experience so far at home...i've been trying to do different things to keep me busy and keep my mind off from myself...
house cleaning, organizing junk in my room, putting music in order on my computer, whatever it takes to keep my mind off from myself...
it's a new approach, and so far it is working...
i've been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan and that has been a challenging read. It's just awesome how God speaks to me through His word and then challenges my heart even more as i read this book...
i know that it is just a book, written by a man, just like me, but God continually uses Chan's words to speak straight to my heart...

between Crazy Love and The Gutter by Craig Gross, i've had a major perspective change on how i view ministry, how i look at my priorities, and how i communicate with other people...

to all my friends who are praying for me...Thank You!!!
your prayers are working and God is continually amazing me :)