Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"...loved him as he loved his own soul..."

I was reading 1 Samuel 20 tonight and was challenged by the story that this chapter talks about...

In case you're not familiar with 1 Samuel 20 let me tell you what it's about...

David is a wanted man...
he is wanted by King Saul...
but King Saul's son Jonathan is best friends with David and does not want to see his friend die...
So the friends make a promise to each other...
Jonathan promises David that he will not die, but that he will do whatever it takes to save his friends life....

It's friendship at its finest...

there is a verse that really stuck out to me and it goes something like this...
"Now Jonathan caused David to take another vow, because he loved him; for he loved him as he loved his own soul."

to think that these two friends can have such a great friendship really challenged me to consider my "friendship" with God...

Do i love God as much as my own soul??

Am I putting God above everything else in my life??

Am I giving God each day??

Am I allowing God to be able to use me or am I stuck in selfishness??

My prayer is that I can love God so much that there is no way I can find happiness in anything else this life offers....