Sunday, October 24, 2010

Faith Like a Child...

What if we had a literal faith like a child??
What would that look like??

What if we truly believed that Jesus lives inside of us??

What if we seriously believed that concept??
The same God who conquered death, gave the blind sight, and had a love that never ended lives inside of His followers!!!
That thought alone gives me chills up my arm...

think if we lived out this truth in our daily lives...
what would that look like for us??

I know for me it would mean having more faith...
it would mean living like there is no tomorrow...
it would mean living a radical life...
a life of sacrifice and selflessness...

What do you think?
What would it look like if you had a faith like a child??
What would your life look like if you fully believed that Jesus lives inside of you and is yearning for you to let him take control?? from the inside out...

The apostles said to the Lord "Increase our faith!"
(Luke 17:5)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Trying Too Hard..

I think I try too hard sometimes...
I start to think that I need to do things in order for God to be present in my life...
I start to believe that if I'm not being solid in my devos that He can't use me...
I'm starting to wonder now if it's my own fault that I can't feel God at all times in my life...

But alas I remember...
I remember that it is not about me...
it's not about what I've done...or not done
I start to remember that He has everything under control...
I can't change the Creator's plans...
and I definitely can't hinder them...
no matter how bad I screw up...

Thank You God! For always being my God. For giving me the opportunity to serve you through youth ministry. For giving me second chances. For the friends I have that continually challenge me...whether they know it or not...