Saturday, April 4, 2009

Being Happy vs. Being Real

This morning I cam across a picture on and it really challenged me to think about my motives when I'm talking to someone about either their depression or whatever hard thing they are going through. I had to remind myself about how I felt when I was deep into my depression and what I needed when I was going through that. I put on that "mask" of hiding the pain instead of being real. It was my fault for not just going out there and telling someone. I needed to be real though. I want to make sure that I'm not trying to make people "happy" when all they might need is someone to talk to and be open with. God does want us to be happy but I don't think He wanted me to force happiness on anyone. I need to allow people to go through those hard times, but I don't let them go through it alone. I want to be a person people can come to and put their mask down and have a real conversation, NO PRETENDING. I pray that God will give me the words to say when I need to talk and that He'll help me to be real with those I come in contact with everyday.