Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hold On To God, Not Your Problems

Today I was listening to this song called "Hold On" by Abandon...there a new band with a great sound...and some of the lyrics look like this:

Does anybody care
Do you even see
Look past my skin
Do you see me
Do you even know what I’m going through
I need to talk to someone
Can I talk to you

Does anybody care
Do you even see
I’m running out of hope and sanity
Do you even know what I’m going through
I’m having a hard time facing the truth

As I pondered on these lyrics I started to feel pain for those who feel like they don't have any hope. I know that I've felt that way many times, and I know that all of us have gone through times when we feel like everything is wrong and we don't know what to do. We wonder why God would allow this to happen to us. We know that He can fix it, but yet it seems that He just keeps letting it happen.

I just want to let you know that God can fix it. He will fix it. We just have to let Him fix it. We have to stop trying to do things on our own. We try and fix life's hard times with our own power and yet we fail, time and time again. Give your pain, your confusion, your doubt, your fears, your worries, your hard times to God, and "He will raise you up!"


DJ said...

Joe, I just wanted to let you know that I love you! Seriously, you are awesome.