Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Relationship With The Man Up Stairs....Perfect??!!

I feel like many of us Christians think that in order to do God's will we need to feel like we are close to God or that we are bringing others to Christ. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be "super spiritual" or feel like you are close to God in order to do His perfect will. I've been in close contact to a person who is struggling to feel God's presence in their lives and I think that they feel like they have to feel God's presence or that they have to be "spiritual" in order to be close to God. But I feel like that is a myth and many of us believe that. We feel that we have to be reading our Bible two hours a day and we need to pray before every meal and before we go to bed, but what if there's more to it. I know God wants us to read His word and pray to Him, but is that all there is to go through the motions and have the same routine week in and week out. What do you think!! Do you think we as Christians need to focus more on our relationship with God rather than the actions we think we are supposed to be doing?? God wants us to have a r-e-l-a-t-i-o-n-s-h-i-p. That means there are going to be ups and downs in it. I've never been in a relationship with anyone that has everything go perfect for it, but the ones that I never gave up on and continued through the hard times...those relationships are stronger and more reliable than almost all the rest. I think it's the same way with God. We are going to feel like God is close at times and other times we are going to maybe feel alone and abused, but if we press on through the hard times that relationship with Him will be A-mazing. I know from experience and I hope that all of you will never give up on your journey with God. Press on!! You are not alone