Monday, February 14, 2011

A Praise then a Curse...

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!”
“Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Mark 11:9-10 are verses used to describe what the Jewish people were saying to Jesus as He entered Jerusalem to die.

And the word "Hosanna" literally means "Save us! Please!"
The Jewish people were praising Jesus on that particular Sunday but by the end of the week they were the ones saying "Crucify Him!!"

They were praising Him and then cursing Him...all in the same week!

Don't we do the same thing sometimes???

We go to a Church service on Sunday, sing songs of praise to God about how He is holy and how we love Him, but then even before the week is over we find ourselves cursing God.
Maybe we don't curse God verbally, but maybe we are curing at Him with our life choices.
On Sunday's we sing and pray "Take it all God! We surrender!" but then we find our lives saying
"Hold on God! I don't want to do that!"
"I don't want to go talk to that person!"
"I don't want to become friends with that homeless man!"
"I don't want to die to myself!"
"God I just want to live life the way I think is best!"

I know I struggle with this...maybe you do too
I have a feeling we are not alone though...

Lets change the persona that Christians are hypocrites!
Because it's true...we are!
We give God a praise one moment and then live a life that is a curse toward our God..

Live life expecting not to live in comfort, because no one said dying to yourself would be easy!!